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Sindh Modaraba Management Ltd
  • 1st floor, Imperial Court,
    Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed Road, KHI-75530, Pakistan.
  • +92-21-35640708-9

Credit Rating

Sindh Modaraba has been maintaining "Long Term A+ & Short Term A-1" Credit Rating since 2015


"Long Term"


"Short Term"

About Sindh Modaraba

Sindh Modaraba is a perpetual, multi-dimensional non-trading modaraba formed under the Modaraba Companies and Modaraba (Floatation and Control) Ordinance, 1980. Sindh Modaraba primarily operates in Ijarah, Musharakah, and Murabaha financing, investments in marketable securities, and other related businesses.

It is managed by Sindh Modaraba Management Ltd., a company wholly owned by the Government of Sindh.

The registered office of Sindh Modaraba Management Ltd. is located at 1st Floor, Imperial Court, Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed Road, Karachi.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to be one of the leading Islamic Financial Institution within Modaraba sector by offering Shari’ah compliant solutions for an optimal satisfaction of customers.

Mission Statement

The basic aim of Sindh Modaraba is to seek Allah’s blessing for transformation of our business dealings in accordance with the principles enshrined in the Islamic Shari’ah. And to develop an Islamic Institution by implementing Allah’swill in the line with the practices of His Prophet (P.B.U.H.) by meeting its stated objectives built on Trust, Integrity, Innovation and good governance for meeting expectation of its stakeholders.


At Sindh Modaraba, we are committed to finding new ways to enhance our sustainability efforts. Our goal is to make a real difference for our customers, employees, shareholders, and the communities we serve by focusing on responsibility, inclusivity, and sustainability.
Our sustainability strategy is guided by three key pillars:
1. Inclusive Growth – Creating equal opportunities and promoting financial inclusion.
2. Responsible Finance – Providing ethical and sustainable financial solutions.
3. Corporate Sustainability – Following governance and practices aligned with global sustainability standards.
Through these pillars, we aim to build a sustainable future while delivering value to all our stakeholders.
We aim to integrate environmental, economic, and social considerations into all aspects of our business. We will also invest resources and work with our stakeholders to create net positive impact on society and environment.

Find out more →

Sindh Modaraba Products